NCUA Places PEF Federal Credit Union into Conservatorship

Member Deposits Insured up to $250,000, Member Services Uninterrupted  

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (June 21, 2013) – The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) today assumed control of service and operations at PEF Federal Credit Union of Highland Heights, Ohio.

During the conservatorship, NCUA will work to resolve issues affecting the institution’s safety and soundness.

Service to PEF Federal Credit Union’s members will continue uninterrupted, and deposits remain protected. Administered by NCUA, the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund continues to insure individual accounts at PEF Federal Credit Union up to $250,000. The Share Insurance Fund, like the FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund, has the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

Chartered in 1957, PEF Federal Credit Union serves 2,974 members and has assets of approximately $31.3 million, according to the credit union’s most recent Call Report.

The Federal Credit Union Act authorizes the NCUA Board to appoint itself conservator when necessary to conserve the assets of a federally insured credit union, protect members’ interests, or protect the Share Insurance Fund. PEF Federal Credit Union is the third federally insured credit union placed into conservatorship during 2013.

Members who have questions about the conservatorship may review the PEF Federal Credit Union Frequently Asked Questions document attached to this release. The document also can be found online here

Ochsner Clinic Federal Credit Union Closes, Shares Assumed by ASI Federal Credit Union

Member Deposits Protected up to $250,000 by the Share Insurance Fund

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (June 28, 2013) – The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) today liquidated Ochsner Clinic Federal Credit Union of New Orleans, La. ASI Federal Credit Union of Harahan, La., immediately assumed Ochsner Clinic Federal Credit Union’s members, deposits and loans.

The new ASI Federal Credit Union members will experience no interruption in services, and their accounts remain federally insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund up to $250,000. Administered by NCUA, the fund has the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

NCUA made the decision to liquidate Ochsner Clinic Federal Credit Union and discontinue operations after determining the credit union was insolvent and had no prospect for restoring viable operations. Ochsner Clinic Federal Credit Union served 3,099 members and had assets of approximately $9.25 million, according to its most recent Call Report.

Neither Ochsner Clinic Foundation nor Ochsner Health System owns, manages or oversees the Ochsner Clinic Federal Credit Union, which is an independent entity.

Chartered in 1973, Ochsner Clinic Federal Credit Union served a number of select groups centered primarily on the medical profession in the New Orleans area.

Ochsner Clinic Federal Credit Union is the ninth federally insured credit union liquidation in 2013.

PEF Federal Credit Union Closes

Member Deposits Protected up to $250,000 by the Share Insurance Fund

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (July 1, 2013) – The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) today liquidated PEF Federal Credit Union of Highland Heights, Ohio.

Best Reward Credit Union of Brook Park, Ohio immediately assumed certain PEF Federal Credit Union members, shares, assets and liabilities. Best Reward Credit Union is a federally insured, state-chartered credit union with more than 12,700 members and assets of $100 million.

The new Best Reward members will experience no interruption in services, and their accounts remain federally insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund up to $250,000. Administered by NCUA, the fund has the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

NCUA’s Asset Management and Assistance Center will contact members whose accounts are not transferred. Members with additional questions about their accounts or insurance coverage may contact the Center at 877-715-0777 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., Eastern. 

NCUA placed PEF into conservatorship on June 21, 2013 to protect the credit union’s financial stability and operations.  

NCUA made the subsequent decision to liquidate PEF and discontinue its operations after determining the credit union had no prospect for restoring viable operations. PEF served 2,974 members and had assets of approximately $31.3 million, according to the credit union’s most recent Call Report.

Chartered in 1957, PEF Federal Credit Union served a community field of membership that consisted of residents located in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

PEF Federal Credit Union is the tenth federally insured credit union liquidation in 2013.

Ohio’s Taupa Lithuanian Credit Union Closes

Member Deposits Protected up to $250,000 by Share Insurance Fund

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (July 15, 2013) – The Ohio Division of Financial Institutions has liquidated the Taupa Lithuanian Credit Union of Cleveland, Ohio, and appointed the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) as liquidating agent.

Member deposits are federally insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund up to $250,000. Administered by NCUA, the fund has the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

NCUA’s Asset Management and Assistance Center will issue correspondence to individuals holding verified share accounts in the credit union within one week. Members with additional questions about their insurance coverage may contact the center toll free at 877-715-0777 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., Eastern. Individuals may also visit the website at any time for more information about their insurance coverage.

The Division of Financial Institutions made the decision to liquidate Taupa Lithuanian Credit Union and discontinue its operations after determining the credit union had no prospect for restoring viable operations.

Taupa Lithuanian Credit Union served 1,154 members and had assets of more than $23.6 million, according to the credit union’s most recent Call Report. Chartered in 1984, Taupa Lithuanian served the Lithuanian community of Cleveland and Northeast Ohio.

Taupa Lithuanian Credit Union is the eleventh federally insured credit union liquidation in 2013.

Closed Board Meeting – July 24, 2013

Board Action Bulletin

The NCUA Board unanimously approved the FY 2013 Pay Comparability Adjustments.

The NCUA Board also considered a supervisory matter that remains confidential at this time.

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NCUA Saves Credit Unions $2.6 Million with Mid-Year Budget Adjustment

Board Action Bulletin

Board Lowers Stabilization Fund Assessment to 8 Basis Points

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (July 25, 2013) – The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Board convened its seventh scheduled open meeting of 2013 at the agency’s headquarters here today. The Board unanimously approved five items:  

  • Reprogramming NCUA’s 2013 operating budget to produce $2.6 million savings, the largest mid-session reduction since 2004.

  • Setting the 2013 Temporary Corporate Credit Union Stabilization Fund assessment at 8.0 basis points of insured shares as of June 30, the lowest end of the projected range.

  • Proposing to create a Minority Credit Union Preservation Program, as required by Congress.

  • Issuing a proposed rule to require electronic filing of Call Reports by federally insured credit unions that will increase the efficiency, timeliness and accuracy of filings.

  • Expanding the community charter of San Francisco Federal Credit Union to serve nearly 740,000 potential new members in San Mateo County.

The Chief Financial Officer also briefed the Board on the financial performance of the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund and the Stabilization Fund. Both funds continue to operate in  a stable manner.


Review Reduces 2013 Budget by $2.6 Million

After completing the annual mid-year budget review, the Board approved a revised and reprogrammed operating budget that will reduce NCUA’s overall expenditures for the remainder of 2013. The cut is the largest mid-session budget reduction in almost a decade.


“NCUA continues to exercise careful, conservative stewardship of its budget. This year’s mid-session review is further proof of our determination to operate as cost-effectively as possible without compromising our core mission of protecting safety and soundness,” NCUA Board Chairman Debbie Matz said. “The $2.6 million in 2013 budget savings reflect a concerted effort by every NCUA office to increase efficiencies and reduce line items wherever possible. Savings this year will offset credit union fees for NCUA’s 2014 operating budget.”


NCUA’s revised budget will be $248.8 million for 2013. A net decrease of $6.3 million in employee pay and benefits produced the largest savings, followed by a reduction in travel expenses of $198,500. The revised budget will offset spending increases for contracted information technology services, rental fees and administrative costs.


The revised budget includes a one-time performance-based lump-sum payment to eligible employees to comply with federal law requiring comparability in compensation and benefits among federal banking regulators. NCUA will also correct discrepancies in locality pay for non-executive staff. The two pay actions will cost $3.6 million, with $2.3 million funded through existing staff vacancies and $1.3 million in reprogrammed funds. The agency’s actions are consistent with the current federal pay freeze, with NCUA base salaries remaining frozen.


“The lump-sum comparability payment is a cost-effective approach which helps to ensure that NCUA retains experienced examiners and cuts costs in the long run,” Matz added. “For each examiner retained, NCUA saves the expense of more than $75,000 to recruit and train a new examiner.”



Stabilization Fund Assessment Set Below 2012 Level

The Board set the 2013 Stabilization Fund assessment at 8 basis points of insured shares as of June 30 to repay a portion of the outstanding U.S. Treasury borrowings.


The 2013 assessment is 1.5 basis points lower than the 2012 assessement. It is also at the lowest end of the projected range of 8 to 11 basis points announced for budgeting purposes at the November 15, 2012, open Board meeting. This lower assessment reflects the strong performance of the legacy assets, success in securing legal settlements and a steadily improving economy.


“As the nation’s economy further strengthens, the credit union industry is growing stronger,” Matz said. “Years of hard work by the industry and NCUA are continuing to pay off as we resolve a corporate crisis that could have brought down the entire credit union system. We have steered a careful course through treacherous waters, and that course is taking us closer to the day when this burden can be lifted from the industry’s shoulders.”


The 2013 assessment will raise an estimated $700.9 million. NCUA will use these funds to repay at least $650 million in Stabilization Fund borrowings from the U.S. Treasury in November and maintain an adequate cash reserve. As a result of NCUA’s repayment of medium-term notes in the fall of 2012, the Stabilization Fund at present has relatively few short-term cash needs. After the next repayment, the outstanding borrowings will total no more than $4.075 billion.


With the 2013 assessment, federally insured credit unions will have paid a total of $4.8 billion in assessments for the Corporate System Resolution Program. Projected net remaining assessments over the life of the Stabilization Fund presently range from $900 million to $3.2 billion.


With the assessment now declared for 2013, credit unions should record the expense in July. NCUA’s Chief Financial Officer will prepare and distribute invoices to all federally insured credit unions, and the assessment will be due in October.


Program to Support Minority Credit Unions Proposed

Recognizing the important role minority credit unions play in their communities and the unique challenges they face, the Board took the first step toward establishing a program to preserve and promote minority credit unions.


“It’s very important to preserve, to the extent we can, both the special character and the number of minority credit unions serving their communities, especially in underserved communities,” Matz noted. “This proposed policy will align NCUA with federal law and the programs of other federal regulators to preserve minority depository institutions.”


The Board issued for comment a proposed Interpretive Ruling and Policy Statement providing the basis for creating a Minority Depository Institution Preservation Program. The program’s objectives would include:

  • Preserving current minority credit unions and encouraging new ones;

  • Providing technical assistance, training and educational programs; and

  • Preserving the minority character of the credit unions in cases of merger or acquisition.

The rule would define a minority depository institution as a federally insured credit union with:

  • More than 50 percent of its current or potential membership falling within one of four eligible minority groups:
    • Black American,
    • Native American,
    • Hispanic American, or
    • Asian American; and
  • More than 50 percent of the current management officials falling within any of those groups.

NCUA’s Office of Minority and Women Inclusion would administer the program using existing budget resources.


The Board took today’s action pursuant to federal law. The Dodd-Frank Act (Section 367) expanded the minority depository institution preservation program to include NCUA, the Federal Reserve, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.


Comments on the proposed rule, available
here, must be received within 60 days of publication in the
Federal Register.


Electronic Filing Proposed Rule Promotes Efficiency, Accuracy

All federally insured credit unions would be required to file financial, statistical and other reports and profiles electronically under a proposed rule (Parts 741 and 748) approved by the Board.


“The proposed rule on mandatory electronic filing is part of my ongoing Regulatory Modernization Initiative,” Matz noted. “Having all Call Reports filed electronically will reduce unnecessary paperwork, cut costs and enable NCUA to report industry performance results in a more timely manner. The changes would also promote environmental responsibility.”


Last year, NCUA provided laptop computers and training to 14 small credit unions to help them convert to electronic filing. As of March 31, 2013, only 59 of 6,753 federally insured credit unions filed documents manually. All the manual filers had assets of $21 million or less. NCUA’s Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives will continue to work with the manual filers to secure the laptops and email addresses needed to complete electronic filings.


Comments on the proposed rule, available
here, must be received within 30 days of publication in the
Federal Register.


San Francisco Federal Credit Union Charter Expanded

The Board approved the expansion of the community charter of San Francisco Federal Credit Union, located in San Francisco.


The state of California chartered the credit union in 1954 to serve employees of the city of San Francisco. The credit union converted to a multiple common-bond federal charter in 1995 and to a community charter in 2000 to serve the consolidated city and county of San Francisco.


San Francisco Federal Credit Union serves 31,255 members and has assets of $832.4 million, according to its most recent Call Report. Before the expansion, the credit union had a potential field of membership of 825,863. With the expansion, the credit union may serve an additional 739,311 persons who live, work, worship or attend school in, and businesses and other legal entities located in San Francisco and San Mateo counties.


Board approval is required for community charters to serve a population of more than 1 million.


Chairman Matz reminded credit union officials interested in community charters to refer to her March 2011 Letter to Federal Credit Unions. The Chairman’s letter, posted here, included a template for the Business and Marketing Plans needed to meet Board requirements for field-of-membership expansions.


Share Insurance Fund Reflects Positive Trends; Stabilization Fund Stable

NCUA’s Chief Financial Officer reported the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund ended the second quarter of 2013 with a second-quarter net income of $103.2 million and an equity ratio of 1.31 percent. The equity ratio is calculated on the June 30, 2013, estimated insured base of $876.1 billion and reflects the additional 1 percent deposit that will be billed in September.


The Share Insurance Fund’s investment and other income was $50.7 million for the second quarter, and operating expenses were $35.8 million. The provision of insurance losses showed an expense reduction of $88.3 million. The Share Insurance Fund’s net position remained relatively unchanged from the previous quarter.

Other quarter-over-quarter trends in the report presented to the Board included:

  • Credit union liquidations increased to nine through June 30, up from four in the first quarter.

  • The total cost associated with credit union failures was $22.4 million, compared to $75,000 in the first quarter.

  • The total number of CAMEL code 3, 4 and 5 credit unions continued to decline, to 1,838 from 1,897 at the end of the first quarter.

  • Assets of CAMEL code 3 credit unions decreased by 3.2 percent, to $110.7 billion from $114.4 billion at the end of the first quarter.

  • Assets of CAMEL code 4 and 5 credit unions decreased by 10.7 percent, to $15.0 billion from $16.8 billion at the end of the first quarter.

 The continuation of these positive trends and other factors resulted in a decrease of $82.3 million  in the Share Insurance Fund’s reserve for insurance losses for the second quarter. The reserve was $248.1 million at the end of the second quarter. The reserving methodology is now more proactive, factoring in economic trends as well as more detailed credit union performance indicators.


The Chief Financial Officer also reported on the Stabilization Fund’s operations. The Stabilization Fund’s condition remained stable, with the fund repaying $375 million to the U.S. Treasury during the second quarter, bringing the outstanding borrowings to $4.725 billion. The fund ended the second quarter with a negative net position of $2.6 billion.


The June 30, 2013, financial statements for the Share Insurance Fund and the Stabilization Fund are preliminary and unaudited.


Beginning this fall, the Chief Financial Officer plans to present the Stabilization Fund report one month later than the Share Insurance Fund report. The additional month will allow asset management estates to update valuations of legacy assets from failed corporate credit unions, in order to provide a more complete picture of the Stabilization Fund’s financial condition.


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Craftsman Credit Union Closes, Shares Assumed by Security Credit Union

Member Deposits Remain Protected to $250,000 by the Share Insurance Fund 

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Sept. 6, 2013) – The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services today liquidated Craftsman Credit Union of Detroit and appointed the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) as liquidating agent.


Security Credit Union of Flint, Mich., immediately assumed Craftsman’s members and deposits, as well as some loans. Security Credit Union is a federally insured, state-chartered credit union. The credit union serves 49,277 members and has assets of $367 million, according to its most recent Call Report.


The new Security Credit Union members will experience no interruption in services, and their accounts remain federally insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund up to $250,000. Administered by NCUA, the fund has the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.


The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services made the decision to liquidate Craftsman Credit Union and discontinue its operations after determining the state-chartered credit union was insolvent and had no prospect for restoring viable operations.


At the time of liquidation and subsequent purchase and assumption by Security Credit Union, Craftsman Credit Union served 6,403 members and had assets of $24.1 million, according to its most recent Call Report. Chartered in 1947, Craftsman Credit Union served a number of select groups centered primarily on the General Motors Corporation plants in Detroit.


Craftsman Credit Union is the twelfth federally insured credit union liquidated in 2013.

Charitable Donations Rule Proposed

Board Action Bulletin

Board Also Streamlines Fixed Assets Rule and Approves Peoples Advantage
Federal Credit Union Expansion

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Sept. 12, 2013) – The National Credit Union Administration Board convened its eighth scheduled open meeting of 2013 at the agency’s headquarters here today.

The Board unanimously approved three items:

  • A proposed rule to allow federal credit unions to create and fund charitable donation accounts to facilitate charitable activities by credit unions.
  • A final rule streamlining the regulation of federal credit unions’ ownership of fixed assets.
  • An expansion of the Peoples Advantage Federal Credit Union’s community charter to serve nearly 850,000 new members in Richmond, Va.

Proposed Rule Would Authorize Charitable Donation Accounts

NCUA’s Board has long recognized that making charitable donations is a desirable and
appropriate activity for federal credit unions, and the new proposed rule (Parts 703 and 721) would allow credit unions, under certain circumstances, to fund charitable donation accounts.

Charitable donation accounts are hybrid charitable and investment vehicles that primarily benefit charity. Through charitable donation accounts, federal credit unions would be able to make investments that are otherwise prohibited, because of the primarily charitable purposes.

“Earlier this year, officials from federal credit unions told us that our investment rule prevented them from investing in third-party trust accounts that help fund charitable causes or events,” NCUA Board Chairman Debbie Matz said. “Through my Regulatory Modernization Initiative, we worked to fix this unintended consequence.

“We want federal credit unions to have the ability to make charitable investments in a way that supports charitable work and is not used to prop up an income statement with potentially risky investments. So, we are creating this narrow exemption to our investment rules to facilitate charitable donations.”

The proposed rule would allow federal credit unions to invest in charitable donation accounts while creating safeguards to ensure the donations are used for their intended charitable purposes.

The proposed rule contains several requirements for federal credit unions that invest in these accounts, including:

  • The primary purpose of the accounts must be to generate funds for tax-exempt charities chosen by credit unions.
  • The total investment in all such accounts must be limited to three percent of the credit union’s net worth for the duration of the accounts.
  • A minimum of 51 percent of the total return from such an account must be distributed to one or more qualified charities.
  • Distributions must be made to qualified charities no less frequently than every five years.
  • Assets of these accounts must be held in segregated custodial accounts or special purpose entities regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or other federal regulatory agency.

Comments on the proposed rule, available here, must be received within 30 days of publication in the Federal Register.

Board Simplifies and Clarifies Fixed Assets Ownership Rule

The Board finalized an amendment to the rule on federal credit unions’ ownership of fixed assets (Section 701.36). The changes simplify and clarify the existing regulation. The rule does not make substantive changes to the regulation or impose new requirements for fixed assets.

“The latest product of my Regulatory Modernization Initiative is the final rule on fixed assets, which Board Member Fryzel suggested we streamline,” Matz said. “Through the changes approved today, credit unions should find the regulation easier to follow.”

NCUA’s fixed assets rule allows federal credit unions to purchase, hold and dispose of property necessary or incidental to their operations. These fixed assets include office buildings, branch facilities, furniture, computer hardware and software, ATMs and parking lots.

A key provision of the amended rule offers greater flexibility to federal credit unions. Those that receive a waiver from the five percent fixed assets limit will have the ability to make multiple purchases of fixed assets within a one percent buffer above their approved waiver limit. This change is intended to eliminate the need for a federal credit union to make repeated waiver requests for minor acquisitions.

In keeping with the Plain Writing Act of 2010, the rule revises the regulation for clarity and readability. The rule also reorganizes existing definitions and adds new definitions for the terms “partially occupy” and “unimproved land or unimproved real property.” The changes clarify a potentially confusing aspect of the current regulation.

The final fixed assets rule, available online here, will be effective 60 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register.

Peoples Advantage Federal Credit Union Charter Expanded

More than 1.2 million people in the Richmond, Va., area are now potential members of Peoples Advantage Federal Credit Union, headquartered in Petersburg, Va., after the NCUA Board approved expansion of the credit union’s community charter to include the entire Richmond Metropolitan Statistical Area.

The Richmond MSA currently has only one other federal community credit union serving the entire MSA.

“Peoples Advantage is already serving two underserved areas in the Richmond MSA. Yet there are tens of thousands of underserved people in the surrounding communities,” Matz said. “This credit union seems to be expanding for all the right reasons. It will offer products designed to attract underserved borrowers, including short-term small loans, loans to rebuild credit, and loans to assist households that are struggling.”

Chartered in 1966 as Fibers Federal Credit Union to serve employees of Allied Signal, Inc., Peoples Advantage later switched to a multiple common-bond charter and grew to serve 50 select groups and two underserved areas. Peoples Advantage then converted to a community charter in 2008 to serve four counties and three cities in the vicinity of Richmond.

Peoples Advantage serves 7,491 members and has assets of $53.5 million, according to its most recent Call Report. Before the expansion, the credit union had a potential field of membership of 402,000. With the expansion, the credit union may serve an additional 850,000 persons who live, work, worship or attend school in, and businesses and other legal entities located in, the Richmond MSA.

Board approval is required for community charters to serve a population of more than 1 million.

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Closed Board Meeting – September 12, 2013

Board Action Bulletin

The NCUA Board unanimously approved the adoption of the CAMEL rating system for corporate credit unions, effective January 1, 2014.

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NCUA Open Board Meeting Agenda Revised

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Oct. 22, 2013) – The National Credit Union Administration has revised the agenda for the Oct. 24 open Board meeting by adding a briefing on the proposed Interagency Policy Statement Establishing Joint Standards for Assessing the Diversity Policies and Practices of Regulated Entities.

The revised agenda for the Oct. 24 Board meeting is available online here.